Course offers
Our courses for you and your horseOur courses for you and your horse
Proven and popular:
the courses on offer at the Brainpoldhof
Every year, many enthusiastic students go through our horse driving school, improve their riding lessons or complete their horse driving license with us. On many weekends we run special courses for which we can always win highly qualified trainers!
We look forward to welcoming you to one of our courses soon!
Current course program:
Working-Equitation course with Mirjam Wittmann at 17./18. october 2020
Mirjam Wittmann gehört zum deutschen Nationalteam der Working Equitation Reiter und konnte sich gemeinsam mit ihrem Team 2018 den Weltmeisterschaftstitel erreiten.
Sie ist Pferdewirtschaftsmeisterin FN und bietet entsprechend fundierten Unterricht in Dressur und Trail an. Dementsprechend wird im Kurs sowohl auf die Dressurausbildung als auch auf die Arbeit im Trail besonderer Wert gelegt. Auf spezielle Wünsche kann natürlich auch eingegangen werden. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle Working Equitation Interessierte, sowohl Einsteiger als auch Fortgeschrittene.
Geritten wird in Zweiergruppen á 60 Minuten. Die Kosten für den gesamten Kurs inklusive Parcours- und Anlagennutzung belaufen sich auf 150,-€.
Anmeldung bitte bis zum 01. Oktober

Riding lessons
We offer riding lessons for the greater Munich, Rosenheim and Miesbach area, from beginners to professionals.
Whether basics or tournament preparation, our team adapts individually to your needs and wishes.

Horse driving school
We are your horse driving school in Munich, the Oberland, Rosenheim and Austria! Our offer ranges from individual lessons for advanced and professionals, to complete driving courses for groups, to driving badges and a carriage driver’s license.

Special courses
Our special courses range from first aid courses to showjumping courses to horse driving license training, horse coaching and working equitation. You will always be up to date with our newsletter and social media!

Horse driving courses
Learn to drive a carriage in the greater Munich, Rosenheim, Miesbach area
Driving a carriage is above all communication – communication between man and horse. And with it also teamwork! Connected only by reins and voice, the person on the carriage must be an excellent observer. He has to know his horse very well, assess situations with lightning speed and always keep an overview.
At the Brainpoldhof we first teach according to the proven and internationally recognized Achenbach driving system. In the course of your training, you will learn more and more how to use the Achenbach system sensibly in today’s world.
Your training with us is always holistic. It starts with the basics such as keeping your horse healthy and satisfied, teaches you how to handle the carriage and gear properly, makes you fit to take part in road traffic and brings you closer to the art of perfect communication between you and your horse mentioned at the beginning.
Do you have questions on horse driving courses?
Have a look at our FAQ!
Horse driving courses
Learn to drive a carriage in the greater Munich, Rosenheim, Miesbach area
Driving a carriage is above all communication – communication between man and horse. And with it also teamwork! Connected only by reins and voice, the person on the carriage must be an excellent observer. He has to know his horse very well, assess situations with lightning speed and always keep an overview.
At the Brainpoldhof we first teach according to the proven and internationally recognized Achenbach driving system. In the course of your training, you will learn more and more how to use the Achenbach system sensibly in today’s world.
Your training with us is always holistic. It starts with the basics such as keeping your horse healthy and satisfied, teaches you how to handle the carriage and gear properly, makes you fit to take part in road traffic and brings you closer to the art of perfect communication between you and your horse mentioned at the beginning.
Do you have questions on horse driving courses?
Have a look at our FAQ!

Riding courses
Riding courses in Rosenheim, Miesbach and München
A riding course is not a riding course. A good riding instructor takes time for his students and explains not only the HOW but also the WHY. A good riding instructor treats his horses and students fairly and respectfully. And to ensure this, there are only individual riding lessons at the Brainpoldhof and no group lessons.
With us you will learn not only how to ride, how to sit correctly or how to use helps, but also how to read and understand the behavior of your horse. Riding lessons are always tailored to the level of the riding student. Individual weaknesses and problems are analyzed and we then work specifically on their solution. Solid basic work with horses and riders is extremely important to us. Only when the foundation is stable can something big emerge on it.
Do you have questions on horse riding courses? Have a look at our FAQ!

Special courses
Pferdeführerschein, showjumping courses and more in Munich, Rosenheim and Miesbach
We offer the following courses:
- Pferdeführerschein handling
- Dressage courses for beginners and advanced
- Showjumping courses for beginners and advanced
- First aid for riders and horses
- Working equitation
- Floor working courses with body forming
- Basic training for young breeders
- Tournament preparation & tips for beginners and advanced
- Lungeing courses with badge testing, double-lunging courses
- Mane braiding course
You can see the exact course program above. If you have any questions, please write to us!
Riding courses
Riding courses in Rosenheim, Miesbach and München
A riding course is not a riding course. A good riding instructor takes time for his students and explains not only the HOW but also the WHY. A good riding instructor treats his horses and students fairly and respectfully. And to ensure this, there are only individual riding lessons at the Brainpoldhof and no group lessons.
With us you will learn not only how to ride, how to sit correctly or how to use helps, but also how to read and understand the behavior of your horse. Riding lessons are always tailored to the level of the riding student. Individual weaknesses and problems are analyzed and we then work specifically on their solution. Solid basic work with horses and riders is extremely important to us. Only when the foundation is stable can something big emerge on it.
Do you have questions on horse riding courses?
Have a look at our FAQ!
Special courses
Pferdeführerschein, showjumping courses and more in Munich, Rosenheim and Miesbach
We offer the following courses:
- Pferdeführerschein handling
- Dressage courses for beginners and advanced
- Showjumping courses for beginners and advanced
- First aid for riders and horses
- Working equitation
- Floor working courses with body forming
- Basic training for young breeders
- Tournament preparation & tips for beginners and advanced
- Lungeing courses with badge testing, double-lunging courses
- Mane braiding course
You can see the exact course program above. If you have any questions, please write to us!